Request for Proposals for Development of Tools & technologies for Text Mining from Unstructured Natural Language Text for Indian Languages
TDIL Programme, Dept. of Electronics & Information Technology, Govt. of India invites project proposals for the development of Tools & technologies and modules for Text Mining from Unstructured Natural Language Text for Indian Languages. Proforma : The details can be downloaded from: Last Date: TDIL Programme invites proposal round the year. However, to be considered in the next meeting of the TDIL Working Group, the last date of submission of project proposal is February 6 th 2015. Who can Apply An individual or Consortium of Indian University/ Institution/ R &D Organization may submit the project proposal. A Consortium Mode project may involve small, medium or large Industrial Partners having DSIR* recognized in-house R&D unit(s) and Indian Universities, Institutions and R&D Organizations. How to Apply Completed Project Proposal both Soft and Hard-Copies(3) duly sign...